The Will of Richard Foulds of Lee, Township of Marsden Shalloon maker confirms many of these relationships.
In the name of God Amen, I Richard Foulds of Lee in the Township of Marsden within the Chapelry of Colne and County of Lancaster Shalloon maker.Being infirm of Body, but of a sound and perfect mind and memory do for the settling of my personal Estate and Concern making this my last Will and Testament leaving my interment to the discretion of my executors after named. Firstly payment of all debts and funeral expenses from his personal estate. Bequests... To Hannah his wife ten pounds ... one bedstead and bedding, two oak tables, one Desk, one Press, one fire grate, and other things belonging to the fire, one pewter case and pewter, one white tables, one Chest, one iron pan, one Frying pan, and five chairs and one Chafing Dish. ... To his daughter Hannah Foulds ten pounds. ... To his son James Foulds eight pounds. ... To his daughter Ann now wife of Robert Bulcock five pounds. ... To his son William Foulds a soldier in some part of his Majesty's Dominions abroad two pounds and two shillings. In case of him not receiving it his legacy to be passed to his daughter. ... The balance of his personal estate to be divided into eight equal portions ... One share to his son Richard and his son John to be equally shared. Second share to his son John. Third share to his son Thomas. Fourth share to his son James. Fifth share to his daughter Betty. Sixth share to his daughter Mary, but as she has poor health in the case of her decease her share to be divided between her children in equal measure. Seventh share to his daughter Ann. Eighth share to Jennet and her son Robert to be equally divided between them. Roberts portion to be paid at the age of twenty one. All shares to be paid from his personal estate twelve months after his decease. James Mitchell of Lower Bradley, Yeoman, and his son James Foulds to be appointed as his executors. Will signed and sealed 20th November 1785.Witnessed: William Walton William Hargreaves. Probate granted 30th Mar 1786.
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