Documents relating to William de Stansfeld

The following documents mention William de Stansfeld and members of his family

1294, Oct. 24. Charter. I Oliver de Stanesfelde have granted and by this present charter confirm to William my son and Mabilie his mother and legitimate heirs of the said William one messuage with buildings in Towneworthe in the villa of Bilyngton and all my land and my meadow written below namely beginning at le Holclogheued and so to the land Bernard held and so from the said land of Bernard following the Caldyr to Brokeholehirstesike and so along Brokeholehirdstesike to Mulecornehurst brok and from there to le Greneriddynge, and so along le Greneriddynge to the land of John de Bilyngton brother of the said Mabilie, and then following beside the land of John Glebedehirste and so from there along to Holclogheued by middle Glebedekar. To have and hold as true owners, etc.

Witnesses: Hugone Cliderhou, Ric. Punchardon, Joh. de Blakeburn, Bernardo del Hakkyng, Willmo Heskayth, Willmo de Aluetham, Rob. de Holden, Henry. de Bradehull, and many others.

Dated at Whalleye.

[The Coucher Book or Chartulary of Whalley Abbey, vol. iv No. 1065]


1334 Quitclaim/Release. Be it known to all those present that I Thom. de Ponte relax and release entirely of me and my heirs, my quitclaim of the church men Abbot and convent of Whalleye and their successors all right and claim that I at all have in that share of the land called le Meenfeld and also in the portion of land and wood called le Grenecroft below the territory of the same township with all appurtenances and in fact two parts of le Grenecroft that extend to the place called le Lauerokhull and to the small brook named le Mikelbrok. etc.

Witnesses: Joh. del Clogh, Joh. de Blackburne of Wysewall, Willmo son of Oliver de Stansfeld, Henr. de Bolton, Ric. son of Radulphi de Bilyngton, and many others.

[The Coucher Book of Whalley Abbey vol. iv, XII 947]


1334 William witnessed another quitclaim of Thome de Ponte of Bilyngton releasing the church men Abbot and Benedict convent of Whalley of that share of the land below the territory of the township of Billington. etc.

Dated in Billington at the feast of St Mark the Evangelist.

[The Coucher Book of Whalley Abbey vol iv, XI 946]


On 24 March, 19 Hen VIII (1528) there was an Inspeximus [inspection], at the instance of John Dene of Timworth, (1) of a charter by Avice, formerly wife of Geoffrey de Bilinton, in favour of Hugh Noel; (2) of a charter by Oliver de Stanesfeld in favour of William his son, and Mabel his [William's] mother. (frangment of seal of Palatine of Lancaster).

[Nat Arch E41/525]


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