Halifax Town Hall Books Of Remembrance: World War I

The following men & women who gave their lives in World War I are remembered in the Halifax Town Hall Books of Remembrance



James  Edward Abbott
6 entries on the Ackroyd surname SideTrack
Henry  Relf Acland
Relf  Acland
Wilfred  Adams
Reginald France Addison
3 entries on the Aked surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Akroyd surname SideTrack
Eric  Albon
2 entries on the Alderson surname SideTrack
Thomas  William Hirst Allen
Rennie  Allinson
Richard  Allinson
3 entries on the Ambler surname SideTrack
William  Amos
George  Henry Anderson
Henry  Anderson
John  Wainwright Anderton
W.  Anderton
Percy  Ansdell
John  William Appleby

2 entries on the Appleyard surname SideTrack
Clifford  Archer
Percy  Archer
Jesse  James Argyle
John  Henry Armitage
James  Armstrong
Robert  Armstrong
Alfred  Huntriss Arnold
Edgar  Arrandale
George  Stuart Arthur
Edmund  Lord Ashworth
Charles  Parker Aske
Hugh  Dynevor Asquith
Morris  Astwood
W. Astwood
Arnold  Atkin
6 entries on the Atkinson surname SideTrack
Appleton  Benison Audus
Fred  Austin
Alfred  Ernest Ayres


Walter Henry Bagnall
3 entries on the Bailey surname SideTrack
James Henry Bairstow
4 entries on the Baker surname SideTrack
Arthur Balaam
Joseph Baldwin
2 entries on the Balme surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Balmforth surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Bancroft surname SideTrack
Roland Banks
Albert Henry Walton Banning
2 entries on the Barber surname SideTrack
Frank Barcham
George Bargh
6 entries on the Barker surname SideTrack
Thomas J. Barlow
Harry Barraclough
6 entries on the Barrett surname SideTrack
Willie Douglas Barron
Willie Barstow
William Edward Barton
Albert Bate
Harry Bate
11 entries on the Bates surname SideTrack
Leonard Batho
Robert Edward Batterton
5 entries on the Baxter surname SideTrack
Frank Baylis
John Baylis
Harold Knowles Bean
4 entries on the Beaumont surname SideTrack
Harold Bebee
2 entries on the Bedford surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Bell surname SideTrack
Cyril A. G. Bellew
Thomas Ingham Bellwood
Daniel Benson
Thomas Washington Benson
Reuben Bent
Harold Bentham
10 entries on the Bentley surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Berry surname SideTrack
Norman Cornthwaite Best
Jack Betley
Arthur Verdi Beverley
Fred Billington
George Albert Bingham
Godfrey Bingley
7 entries on the Binns surname SideTrack
Albert Thomas Bird
James Bird
William Henry Bird
Harry Birkby
2 entries on the Birtwhistle surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Blackburn surname SideTrack
John Thomas Blackwell
Jack Blagbrough
Frank Blakey
James William Blamires

Ernest Blight
Albert Bloomer
Arthur Blunt
Arthur Boland
Patrick Joseph Boland
3 entries on the Bolton surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Boocock surname SideTrack
Albert Edward Boosey
10 entries on the Booth surname SideTrack
8 entries on the Bottomley surname SideTrack
Herbert Bowers
Joseph Bowles
Duncan M. Boyd
Thomas Boyd
Richard Curtis Bradbury
2 entries on the Bradley surname SideTrack
William Henry Braithwaite
James Brannan
Lewis Brazey
2 entries on the Brearley surname SideTrack
Bernard Brennan
Dermot Eugene Brennan
James Brennan
James William Brennan
John William Brennan
Thomas Michael Brennan
John Harold Brennand
Michael Brennand
Vincent Brennand
2 entries on the Brier surname SideTrack
Arnold Douglas Brigg
4 entries on the Briggs surname SideTrack
Charles Lawrence Brignell
Guiton Brindley
5 entries on the Broadbent surname SideTrack
Wallace Broadhead
Arnold Brockbank
6 entries on the Brook surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Brooke surname SideTrack
William Brookes
Ernest Brooks
Geoffrey Brooksbank
3 entries on the Brown surname SideTrack
William Brunt
Alfred George Buckle
5 entries on the Buckley surname SideTrack
Harold Smith Buffett
Frederick William Bull
William Patterson Bumstead
Harold Percival J. Bunney
Hubert Burke
Joseph Burke
Martin Burke
Charles Richard Burnham
Robert Burns
H. J. Burrows
Roy Thomas Nelson Burt
James William Butler
Herbert Cyril Butters


Robert Caden
William Callow
Samuel Camm
Willie Campbell
Walter Canning
William Henry Capener
Thomas Henry Carle
Joseph Arthur Carnelley
Daniel Carney
Thomas Carney
George Carroll
James Carroll
John Carroll
John Carroll
Michael Carroll
Robert Henry Carroll
William George Carruthers
14 entries on the Carter surname SideTrack
Harold Cartlidge
Richard Carveley
Desmond Terence Cash
William Cassidy
2 entries on the Casson surname SideTrack
Harold Cawthorn
3 entries on the Chadwick surname SideTrack
Sidney Chamberlain
Alfred Leo Chambers
2 entries on the Chapman surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Cheetham surname SideTrack
John Chilcott
George Clare
William Clare
Alfred Clark
4 entries on the Clarke surname SideTrack
Fred Clarkin
John Clarkin
Charles Clarkson
George Arthur Clay
3 entries on the Clayton surname SideTrack
John Cleary
Arthur Clee
5 entries on the Clegg surname SideTrack
George Clewer
Charles Clifton
John Clifton
3 entries on the Clough surname SideTrack
Herbert Coates
Wilfred Coates

Willie Coates
John Arthur Cobb
Herbert Cockhill
8 entries on the Cockroft surname SideTrack
John Cole
Horace Collett
2 entries on the Collins surname SideTrack
Clement Cone
James Edward Connell
Patrick Joseph Connell
James Connolly
Nicholas Connolly
John Patrick Conroy
James William Conway
George William Cook
Arthur Gilbert Cooke
James Cooney
5 entries on the Cooper surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Copley surname SideTrack
Lewis Corder
Dick Corney
James E. Cowan
Arthur Cox
Norman Cox
Thomas Cox
Walter Cox
6 entries on the Crabtree surname SideTrack
Charles Cragg
Thomas Cragg
Patrick Joseph Craughwell
Christopher Crevey
2 entries on the Crossland surname SideTrack
9 entries on the Crossley surname SideTrack
Arthur Percival Crow
Herbert Crowson
6 entries on the Crowther surname SideTrack
Arnold Cully
4 entries on the Culpan surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Cunliffe surname SideTrack
Charlie Cunningham
Frank Cunningham
John Cunningham
Kenneth Edward Cunningham
Michael Cunningham
Patrick John Cunningham
Thomas Edward Cunningham
Harry Cunnington


James Daley
Jack Dalton
Thomas Frost Dalzell
Jack Danby
Henry James Danetry
Frank Daniels
Percy Daniels
George Dannett
Patrick Darcey
Robert Henry Darrell
Willie Darwin
Robert John Henry Davidson
2 entries on the Davies surname SideTrack
Harry Davill
William Frederick Wilkinson Davis
3 entries on the Dawson surname SideTrack
John Dawtrey
Tom Elliott Day
Horace Rupert Deakin
Herbert Dean
Frederick Henry Denley
Leonard Dennis
James Dent
3 entries on the Denton surname SideTrack
Michael Devers
James Dewar
William S. Dewar
3 entries on the Dewhirst surname SideTrack
Francis Dews
William Dickinson
James Dignam
James Dignan
James Willie Dinsdale
6 entries on the Dixon surname SideTrack

4 entries on the Dobson surname SideTrack
Allan Dodds
Charles Doherty
Michael Doherty
Michael P. Doherty
John Dolan
Robert Donaldson
Patrick Dorsey
John Downes
Tom Harry Downes
Willie Dracup
2 entries on the Drake surname SideTrack
Alfred Edward Frost Draper
Harry Draper
James Driver
John Drury
Joseph Drury
Cornelius Duckett
Sam Duckitt
2 entries on the Duckworth surname SideTrack
John Duffy
Richard Duffy
Martin Duggan
Martin Duncanson
Robert Dunford
Rev Sydney Dunstan
Edward Durfer
James Durkin
Charles William Dutson
Thomas Walter Dutton
John Dyche
Allen Leonard Dyer
Horace James Llewelyn Dyer
Will Harold Dyment


Harry Ealham
Arnold Earless
4 entries on the Eastwood surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Edwards surname SideTrack
James Egan
7 entries on the Ellis surname SideTrack

Herbert Asquith Ellison
Sam Ellwood
Seth Elsworth
Percy Elvidge
Edwin English
Walter Evans


John Bertram Fairbridge
Joseph Fairburn
Michael Fallon
3 entries on the Farnell surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Farrar surname SideTrack
Arthur Farren
Percy Farren
John Francis Faulkes
3 entries on the Fawcett surname SideTrack
Newman Fawley
2 entries on the Fawthrop surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Fearnley surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Feather surname SideTrack
William Fee
James Feeley
K. Ferguson
Richard Ferguson
James Congreve Fern
5 entries on the Field surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Fielden surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Fielding surname SideTrack
10 entries on the Firth surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Fisher surname SideTrack
Tom Harry Fitton
John Fitzpatrick
Michael Fitzpatrick
John Fitzsimmons
David Flaherty

George Norris Flather
3 entries on the Fleming surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Fletcher surname SideTrack
Herbert Flint
Horace Fogg
James Ford
Michael Ford
Owen Ford
Harold Fordham
Joseph William Fort
Harry Fossard
Ernest George Fossey
4 entries on the Foster surname SideTrack
John William Fothergill
Sam Foulds
Albert Morrison Fowler
Edward France
George Arthur France
Leonard France
Alonzo Frankland
Fred Frankland
Peter Frith
Charles Amos Frobisher
Joseph Henry Frobisher
Frederick Frost
Harold Fry
Willie Fryer


Matthew Gaines
John Gallagher
John Joseph Gallagher
Thomas Galvin
2 entries on the Garforth surname SideTrack
Firth Garlick
John Thomas Garner
John Willie Garside
4 entries on the Gaukroger surname SideTrack
Richard Gee
Thomas Gee
George Douglas Gelder
Harold Gidley
William Gidley
2 entries on the Gill surname SideTrack
James Gillespie
Ogden Gillibrand
Ernest Gilliebrand
Alfred Girdler
Harry Gladwin
James William Gladwin
13 entries on the Gledhill surname SideTrack
Henry Edward Goddard
George Godfrey
Walter Goldthorpe

Albert Edward Gomersall
James Henry Gooch
Albert Gooder
Sydney Goodfellow
Frederick Walter William Goodwin
Joseph Gosling
Elliott Senior Gothard
Norman Gott
Harry Graham
Harry Wilkinson Graham
Herbert Evan Gravenor
Henry Matthew Gray
Fred Graydon
3 entries on the Green surname SideTrack
37 entries on the Greenwood surname SideTrack
Robert Miller Gregory
2 entries on the Gregson surname SideTrack
John James Grinson
Harry Grout
Lewis Grummett
Robert Grundy
Henry Guest
Herbert Guest
William Henry Guppy


Lorenz Hüppler
James Haggerty
19 entries on the Haigh surname SideTrack
Harold Hainsworth
5 entries on the Haley surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Hall surname SideTrack
Arthur Gordon Hallewell
3 entries on the Halliday surname SideTrack
Herbert Halmshaw
3 entries on the Halstead surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Hamer surname SideTrack
John Henry Hamm
Thomas Alfred Hand
Robert Handy
M. Hanley
9 entries on the Hanson surname SideTrack
Ernest Hardacre
Irvine Hardacre
John Henry Hardacre
Leonard Hardacre
John Hardiman
Charles Albert Hardisty
2 entries on the Hardy surname SideTrack
Lawrence Hargrave
5 entries on the Hargreaves surname SideTrack
Lewis Dixon Harkness
Edgar Harland
Thomas Francis Harold
Reynold Harper
Albert Harrington
Daniel Harrington
Frederick George Harris
6 entries on the Harrison surname SideTrack
11 entries on the Hartley surname SideTrack
John Haslem
Walter Raymond Clark Haworth
Edward James Hayden
Maurice Fleming Heap
2 entries on the Heaton surname SideTrack
John Hefferman
James Henry Heggarty
Christopher Stephen Hegney
8 entries on the Helliwell surname SideTrack
Harry Helme
Albert John Hemblys
Norman Hemingway
2 entries on the Henderson surname SideTrack
Joseph William Henley
D. E. Hennion
John W. Henry
Ernest Hensby

Frank Hensby
2 entries on the Hepworth surname SideTrack
Hilton Heslop
Stanley Scott Hesp
2 entries on the Hesselden surname SideTrack
Frank Hewitt
Harry Bernard Hewitt
James William W. Hewitt
Lewis Hey
Fred Higgins
James Higgins
Stanley Higgitt
3 entries on the Highley surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Hill surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Hinchcliffe surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Hinchliffe surname SideTrack
Ernest Hines
3 entries on the Hirst surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Hitchen surname SideTrack
John Herbert Hives
6 entries on the Hodgson surname SideTrack
Eric Hogan
Evelyn Holden
2 entries on the Holdsworth surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Holgate surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Holland surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Holmes surname SideTrack
Edgar Holmfield
6 entries on the Holroyd surname SideTrack
John Edwin Holstead
3 entries on the Holt surname SideTrack
Herbert Hooson
3 entries on the Horner surname SideTrack
Norman Hornsey
2 entries on the Horsfall surname SideTrack
Henry Horsfield
John (Joe) Horsley
6 entries on the Howarth surname SideTrack
Frederick Baden Howell
Harry Howell
Harry Howie
9 entries on the Hoyle surname SideTrack
Fred Hudson
Frank Exley Hull
Charles Edward Hulyer
Herbert H. Hunsworth
Dr Tom Harold Hunt
Horace Holman Hunt
John Joseph Hunter
Harold Edwards Huntriss
William Huntriss


Harry  Ibberson
Wilfred  Ibberson
2 entries on the Illingworth surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Ingham surname SideTrack

Willie  Inman
2 entries on the Iredale surname SideTrack
John  Isles


8 entries on the Jackson surname SideTrack
Frank  E. Jagger
Henry  James
Edwin  Jebson
3 entries on the Jenkinson surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Jennings surname SideTrack
Arthur  Jevons

3 entries on the Johnson surname SideTrack
George  Frederick Johnston
John  Andrew Benjamin Jolley
4 entries on the Jones surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Jowett surname SideTrack
James  William Justice


John  Edward Kane
Thomas  Kearney
Fred  Keathy
Edward  Keirns
5 entries on the Kelly surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Kendall surname SideTrack
John  W. Kendrew
David  Kennedy
James  Kennedy
Timothy  Kennedy
Horace  Kenyon
Harold  Kerfoot
2 entries on the Kershaw surname SideTrack
Frederick  Charles Kiddle

Harry  Kilburn
Joseph  Kilkenny
Thomas  Kilkenny
3 entries on the King surname SideTrack
Harold  Kingham
Arthur  Haddon Kippax
Wilfred  Kirkbride
James  William Kirkbright
Leonard  Kitchen
Herbert  Kitley
Fred  Knapton
George  Herbert Knapton
T.  K. Knight


Ernest Lakey
Thomas Langhorn
Patrick Larkin
Gerald Lassey
Frank Taylor Law
James Lawlor
Patrick Lawlor
George Lawrence
Selwyn Lawrence
Edward Lawton
John Leach
Eric Leary
8 entries on the Lee surname SideTrack
Wilfred Bentley Leek
William Henry Leggett
Harold George William Lewis
Willie Lightowler
Albert Limb
Allan Limb

Harry Lindley
William Richardson Lisle
6 entries on the Lister surname SideTrack
John Little
Albert Liversedge
Harry Livesey
2 entries on the Lockwood surname SideTrack
Frank Long
6 entries on the Longbottom surname SideTrack
Fred Longstaff
Percy Longthorpe
6 entries on the Lord surname SideTrack
Joseph Lovelace
Edward Joseph Lowe
George Ernest Lowe
7 entries on the Lumb surname SideTrack
Philip Grenville Lyon
Thomas Lyons
Timothy Lyons


Leonard Mackie
James William Mackintosh
Clifford Mackrell
Walter Magson
Ernest Mallalieu
2 entries on the Mallinson surname SideTrack
Harold Edgar Mallison
Alfred Ernest Mander
David Manger
Alexander Mantle
Herbert Marchant
John Marron
3 entries on the Marsden surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Marsh surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Marshall surname SideTrack
John Henry Martin
Albert Mason
James Henry Massam
William Maude
Irvin Thomas Maudsley
John Edward Maudsley
James McAndrew
John McAndrew
Mr McBoyd
John McCormick
John James McCormick
John McCue
Charles McCusker
John McDonald
Victor McDonald
Edward McGuiness
Albert McGuinness
Leonard McGuinness
John McGuire
John McHale
James H. McHugh
Thomas McHugh
Harry Exley McKelvin
John McLarnon
John Whitworth McLintock
John McMahon
Bernard McNea
Stephen McQuinn
Harry Mear
Charlie Mehew
George Mellin

John William Melling
Stanley Menton
Ernest Merifield
Sylvester Merrion
George Merritt
2 entries on the Metcalfe surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Midgley surname SideTrack
William Milburn
Clifford Vernon Millar
Cyril Millar
Robert Millar
3 entries on the Miller surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Milner surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Milnes surname SideTrack
George Minnett
14 entries on the Mitchell surname SideTrack
David Moffat
Timothy Moger
Charles George Conradi Moncrieff
Hubert Moodycliffe
John Mooney
3 entries on the Moore surname SideTrack
Patrick Moran
Harry Morby
George Henry Moroney
Thomas Moroney
Harold Morris
Albert Edward Mortimer
2 entries on the Morton surname SideTrack
Frederick Mosey
Harry Mosley
Stanley Mottram
George Mounsey
Mitchell Joseph Mulholland
Joseph Francis Mulroy
Thomas Bernard Mulroy
Herbert Reginald Mundy
Arthur Murdoch
5 entries on the Murgatroyd surname SideTrack
James Murphy
John Henry Murphy
Nicholas Michael Murphy
Thomas Murphy
Thomas Francis Musson
Fred Thackray Myers


Alfred Nash
9 entries on the Naylor surname SideTrack
Fred Neatby
Ernest Needham
John Needham
Richard Needham
Thomas Needham
Arthur Nettleship
Arnold Nettleton
Wilfred Abraham Newcomb
John Albert Newell
William Haley Newport
4 entries on the Newsome surname SideTrack
Harry Newton

8 entries on the Nicholl surname SideTrack
Clement Nicholson
John Nixon
3 entries on the Noble surname SideTrack
James Joseph Noone
John Norfolk
Herbert Henry Normanton
Jack Normington
Herbert North
Tom North
Halstead Nunn
Joseph Naylor Nuttall
George Arthur Nutting


Harry  O'Brien
John  O'Brien
John  Barrie O'Brien
John  William O'Brien
Joseph  O'Brien
Patrick  O'Hara
Fred  Oakes
Selwyn  Oakes
3 entries on the Oates surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Oddy surname SideTrack
8 entries on the Ogden surname SideTrack

John  Okey
3 entries on the Oldfield surname SideTrack
Gerald  Oldroyd
Herbert  Oldroyd
Joseph  William Oliver
William  Norman Ormerod
Geoffrey  Osborn
Geoffrey  Osborne
Alan  Ostler
Thomas  Ostler


Arthur Elvis Painter
Joseph Edward Palfreeman
Hedley Palmer
Charles Robert Park
6 entries on the Parker surname SideTrack
Lewis Horace Parkin
Richard Parkin
2 entries on the Parkinson surname SideTrack
Thomas Parrott
Arthur Payne
Ernest Payne
George Payne
Herbert Peacock
Herbert John Pearce
4 entries on the Pearson surname SideTrack
Charles Peckett
2 entries on the Peel surname SideTrack
Albert Penney
James Penrith
John Perrin
Alfred David Perry
Albert Petch
Eric Bateman Petty
Clifford Pickard

Frederick Pickard
John Pickard
Emperor Pickersgill
4 entries on the Pickles surname SideTrack
James Pickup
Tom Pinder
Robert Pitcher
Harry Howard Place
Cyril Platt
Walter Pollard
John Robert Pool
Albert Poole
George Harry Poole
John Robert Poole
Clifford Porter
John Poulton
W. Arthur Powell
Gilbert Pratt
11 entries on the Priestley surname SideTrack
Cuthbert Pulman
Frederick Wilborough Pulman
John Edgar Pulman
Herbert Pybus
Walter Pybus


Thomas  Quinn



Sam Raby
J. W. Radford
Thomas William Hitching Raisbeck
5 entries on the Ramsden surname SideTrack
John T. Raney
C. V. Rastrick
4 entries on the Ratcliffe surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Rawnsley surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Rawson surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Rayner surname SideTrack
John Alfred Redick
Duke  Lionel Reed
Harry Charles Reeves
Alec Reid
Duke Reid
William Reneham
Albert Reynolds
Aloysius Reynolds
Edwin Reynolds
Herbert Reynolds
Norris Rhodes
Claude Richards
Ernest Richards
3 entries on the Richardson surname SideTrack
William Guy Rickard
Thomas Arthur Ridehalgh
C. Rieves

10 entries on the Riley surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Roberts surname SideTrack
5 entries on the Robertshaw surname SideTrack
Joseph Robey
3 entries on the Robinson surname SideTrack
Lawrence Robson
James Roche
Thomas Rochford
William Rock
Fred Roebuck
Richard Rooke
John Richard Rooks
Ronald Percy Roper
John Ross
3 entries on the Rothery surname SideTrack
Arthur Royds
Edward Ruane
George Ruddlesden
George Ruff
John William Rushforth
John Henry Hope Rushton
4 entries on the Rushworth surname SideTrack
George Rutherford
Ambrose Ryan
Arthur Ryder
Oliver Ryder


Robert Alfred Sadler
Manuel Saiz
Harry Salmons
John Sanderson
Sydney Sandiford
Joseph William Satchwell
James Harold Scarborough
James William Scarff
John Edward Scargill
William Scargill
4 entries on the Schofield surname SideTrack
Herbert Scholefield
Joseph Rothery Scholfield
George Henry Scotford
8 entries on the Scott surname SideTrack
Cyril Scratcherd
Edgar Scratcherd
Herbert Seaman
Alexander Adam Seaton
James Alfred Seccombe
Clifford Seddon
2 entries on the Seed surname SideTrack
Bertie Charles Seekings
John William Sellars
Tom Sellars
Ingham Sennett
James A. Sennett
George Edward Servant
Edward Sewed
3 entries on the Shackleton surname SideTrack
Patrick Shannon
Alfred Sharman
Robert Sharman
3 entries on the Sharp surname SideTrack
17 entries on the Shaw surname SideTrack
Henry Edward Shea
4 entries on the Sheard surname SideTrack
Charles Sheehan
William Sheehan
Edgar Sheldrake
John Shelley
3 entries on the Shepherd surname SideTrack
F. N. Sheriden
Walter Shield
Frederick Cecil Shindler
Arnold Shoesmith
Fred Shooter
James Robert Shooter
Joseph Albert Shooter
Harry George Spencer Short
James William Shuttleworth
2 entries on the Siddall surname SideTrack
Frederick John Simcock
Albert Edward Simms
George Herbert Simms

7 entries on the Simpson surname SideTrack
John Goodwin Singlehurst
2 entries on the Skelton surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Sladdin surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Slater surname SideTrack
Ernest Slinger
Edward Sloan
Peter Sloan
44 entries on the Smith surname SideTrack
Bertie Colley Snell
Cecil Solomon
Herbert Soothill
James Henry Southern
Clifford Speight
Walter Spence
William Spence
3 entries on the Spencer surname SideTrack
Farrar Spink
Richard Stafford
William Henry Stancliffe
Fred Stansfield
James Stanton
A. Starke
4 entries on the Stead surname SideTrack
John William Steel
William John Steel
Harold Steele
Jack Steele
Leonard Steele
John William Stell
4 entries on the Stephenson surname SideTrack
William Hosking Stevenson
John Arthur Stewart
3 entries on the Stocks surname SideTrack
Allan Stork
3 entries on the Stott surname SideTrack
Joseph Harry Stuart
Frank Stubbs
Walter Cecil Ewart Stubbs
Tom Suddick
John Garside Sugden
Jeremiah Sullivan
William Sullivan
Charles Summerscales
3 entries on the Sunderland surname SideTrack
John Surtees
15 entries on the Sutcliffe surname SideTrack
2 entries on the Swaine surname SideTrack
Ernest Swale
3 entries on the Swallow surname SideTrack
Alfred Swan
Thomas Swan
4 entries on the Swift surname SideTrack
11 entries on the Sykes surname SideTrack
Clifford Symons


Bernard  John Talbot
James  Tansey
Preston  Tasker
2 entries on the Tattersall surname SideTrack
16 entries on the Taylor surname SideTrack
George  Teal
Armitage  Tempest
Harold  Arthur Tetley
Edgar  Wallace Thickett
5 entries on the Thomas surname SideTrack
9 entries on the Thompson surname SideTrack
James  Thornton
3 entries on the Thorpe surname SideTrack
James  Henry Thoseby
Harry  Tidswell

Harry  Tiley
2 entries on the Tillotson surname SideTrack
George  Alfred Tilton
Louis  F. Tinker
Percy  Todd
Edward  Tolan
Ernest  Toothill
Frank  Tordoff
Harry  Tordoff
Norman  Tordoff
2 entries on the Townsend surname SideTrack
Hugh  Price Travers
9 entries on the Turner surname SideTrack
John  Wilson Tyson


George  Henry Ulrich



Thomas  Varley
Frederick  Horsfall Veal
John  Venables

William  Burt Verity
Arthur  Viney


4 entries on the Wade surname SideTrack
8 entries on the Wadsworth surname SideTrack
Jack Wainhouse
Harold Wainwright
John Wainwright
William Herbert Waite
Thomas Waldron
12 entries on the Walker surname SideTrack
Arthur Wall
Thomas Herbert Walmsley
Thomas Richardson Walmsley
5 entries on the Walsh surname SideTrack
Tom Walshaw
5 entries on the Walton surname SideTrack
4 entries on the Ward surname SideTrack
Albert Wardle
Alan Waring
Arthur James Waring
Joseph Matthias Warne
Donald Warner
John Bottomley Warren
Lawrence Robert Washington
Harry Watkin
Leonard Watkinson
6 entries on the Watson surname SideTrack
Benjamin Waugh
3 entries on the Webster surname SideTrack
Thomas Weedon
George Henry Welch
Donald West
Peter Whelan
6 entries on the Whitaker surname SideTrack
Arthur Whitbread
4 entries on the White surname SideTrack
3 entries on the Whitehead surname SideTrack

10 entries on the Whiteley surname SideTrack
John Harold Whitham
Harry Whitley
Joseph Whitmore
Clement Whittaker
Maurice Whittaker
3 entries on the Whitworth surname SideTrack
Arnold Wilcock
John Henry Wilcox
3 entries on the Wild surname SideTrack
William Arthur Wildblood
7 entries on the Wilkinson surname SideTrack
Clement Willans
Joseph Willett
4 entries on the Williams surname SideTrack
Ernest Willis
Leonard Willis
Albert Wills
13 entries on the Wilson surname SideTrack
Harold Edmund Windle
Edward Winn
Oswald Winnard
Herbert Winterbottom
Lewis Winterbottom
Louis Wolfenden
Arthur Womack
3 entries on the Womersley surname SideTrack
14 entries on the Wood surname SideTrack
6 entries on the Woodhead surname SideTrack
Albert Edward Woods
John William Woolerton
George Charlie Worby
Harry Wray
Edward James Wyatt


Tom  Yellow


© Malcolm Bull 2025
Revised 16:10 / 9th February 2025 / 105838

Page Ref: X84

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