Introducing wise

Improving the
emotional fitness of
educators, parents
and students from
the inside out.

Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a process through which students of all ages acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.

Wise is an immersive Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program integrating virtual reality technology to maximize empathy and knowledge retention in adults and students alike. Developed by experts in education, psychology, virtual reality, and animation, Wise is the most comprehensive immersive Social Emotional Learning program available today.

VR Immersion

More than 200 minutes of virtual immersion for high levels of engagement and enhanced retention.

Professional Development

Personal and professional digital training offers an opportunity to build skills and expand teacher capability.


Comprehensive lesson plans, scripts and background research for educators, teachers and adults.

Evidence-Based Approach

Founded in evidence-based research and contemporary teaching strategies.

Scalable SEL

Consistent high-quality SEL anywhere, anytime.

Build Core Competencies

Impart skills in self-awareness, responsible decision making, growth mindset, autonomy and collaboration.

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